Open Source

We couldn't achieve our goals in onWidget without Open Source. Some of the most popular developer tools, frameworks and experiences in the world are built around open communities.
This is how we give back.

Our Projects

AstroWind Template

A production ready template with excelent performance to start a new website using Astro with Tailwind CSS.

Awesome AMP HTML

A curated list of AMP HTML repos, examples, starters, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else useful.

Storybook AMP Addon

Storybook addon for building and testing AMP HTML components. Works with AMP websites, AMP email and AMP ads

Qwind Template

A production ready template to start a new website using Qwik, Qwik City with Tailwind CSS.

Awesome Qwik

A curated list of awesome Qwik framework resources.

Storybook CSS Modules

Storybook preset addon to add CSS Modules capabilities. Automatically imports all .modules.css files as CSS Modules.

Tailnext Template

A production ready template to start a new website using React, Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

Open Source

People and Projects we backer

Although we are a small team at onWidget, we like to support Open Source projects that do an excellent job and also inspired us. We currently return back on two platforms

Open Collective

Community is about trust and sharing. Open Collective lets you manage your finances so everyone can see where money comes from and where it goes

Github Sponsors

GitHub Sponsors allows the developer community to financially support the people and organizations who design, build, and maintain the open source projects they depend on, directly on GitHub.